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Patients < 40 years with histological confirmed breast cancer who are not pregnant

BCP - Breast Cancer Pregnancy

Breast cancer in Pregnancy (BCP)
Prospective and Retrospective Registry Study of the German Breast Group (GBG)
for Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer in Pregnancy compared to young non-pregnant women

Erkrankung: Brustkrebs (Mammakarzinom)
Status der Studie: Studie rekrutiert
Studiendesign: anderes Design
Studienart: Andere Studienart: Register
Haupteinschlusskritieren: - Patients with histological confirmed breast cancer who are pregnant.
- Patients < 40 years with histological confirmed breast cancer who are not pregnant (patients who have been pregnant recently can also be collected into this cohort)
- Informed consent for data collection (for prospective participants) and biomaterial collection. For retrospective participants an informed consent is not required as long as the data are anonymously captured.
Prüfarzt: Dr. med. Antje Lehnert
Weitere Informationen: Retrospektiv + prospektiv möglich

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