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Early Breast Cancer HR+/Her2+

Triple Positive 2 (TP-II)

A prospective, randomized, multicenter, open-label comparison of pre-surgical combination of trastuzumab and pertuzumab with concurrent taxane chemotherapy or endocrine therapy given for twelve weeks with a quality of life assessment of trastuzumab, pertuzumab in combination with standard (neo)adjuvant treatment in patients with operable HER2+/HR+ breast cancer.

Erkrankung: Brustkrebs (Mammakarzinom)
Start der Studie am Zentrum: 30.05.2017
Status der Studie: Rekrutierung abgeschlossen
Studiendesign: interventionell
Studienphase: Phase II
Studienart: Medikamentöse Therapie
Haupteinschlusskritieren: • Female patients, age at diagnosis 18 years and older
• Histologically confirmed unilateral primary invasive carcinoma of the breast
• Patients must qualify for neoadjuvant treatment as follows:
o No clinical evidence for distant metastasis (M0)
o Clinical cT1c-T4a-c (participation of patients with tumors > cT2 is strongly recommended) and no evidence for distant metastases (M0)
o All clinical N (participation of patients with cN+, also in case of cT1c, is strongly recommended)
o Known positive HR-status and centrally confirmed HER2+-status by IHC/FISH
o Patients need to fulfill adequate blood count and organ function to receive chemotherapy (see exclusion criteria).
• Tumor block available
Hauptausschlusskritieren: • Known hypersensitivity reaction to the compounds or incorporated substances
• Prior malignancy with a disease-free survival of < 10 years, except curatively treated basalioma of the skin, pTis of the cervix uteri
• Non-operable breast cancer including inflammatory breast cancer
• Previous or concurrent treatment with cytotoxic agents for any reason
• Concurrent treatment with other experimental drugs and participation in another clinical trial with any investigational drug within 30 days prior to study entry is excluded
• Male breast cancer
• Concurrent pregnancy
• Breastfeeding
• Sequential breast cancer
• Reasons indicating risk of poor compliance
• Known polyneuropathy ≥ grade 2
Prüfarzt: Dr. med. Antje Lehnert

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