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Brain Metastases in Breast Cancer

Erkrankung: Brustkrebs (Mammakarzinom)
Status der Studie: Studie rekrutiert
Studiendesign: nicht-interventionell
Studienart: Andere Studienart: Register prospektiv und retrospektiv
Haupteinschlusskritieren: Patients with brain metastases and a history of breast cancer or
metastatic breast cancer.
Hauptausschlusskritieren: Patients with any other malignant disease
Patients with leptomeningeal disease
Prüfarzt: Dr. med. Antje Lehnert
Weitere Informationen: This retrospective and prospective multicenter Trial is designed to collect Tumor characteristics of the
Primary and metastatic Tumor and Treatment data from patients diagnosed with brain metastases of

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